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class 演讲(1 / 5)

booran。boor。OK,它有旋。here we watch out Mr w什么意思啊,what?what about啊,很好,你说周易很小,所以说微here在等着,小心,这个不是叫往外看,what,是看哦,是往外面,不是往外看,是小心里想啊,我说watch out。哎,小心啊,这不是往外是小心。you can catch 说的大声的喊,鼠说的对,袋鼠很厉害,当是大声的叫,说你看,shout,大声的叫。doubts okay you。you can''''t catch ,什么意思啊?你抓不到我的Mr hunter猎人,现在你是抓不到我的,OK?oh yes I can shout他妈还在对话哈,那个说,哦,当然可以抓到你。对那他大声喊说,你抓不到我,而你the hunter shouts yes I can,可以抓到你啊。Miss kanaroo is in a cave kanaroo。how in the cave。VE叫做洞穴遍CA。是他跑到一个洞穴里了啊’?can''''t see ,他看不到我了。he can''''t see in here oh,像他得一个cave里了,OK,那我们看最后一段哦。now here''''s Joey,现在发现Joe不见了是吧?where is Joy?ah here he is he''''s still sleepin。对,他还在睡觉呢。but one that isn''''但是不在了啊,所以one that isn‘here。country I''''very tired but we need to find Mr w BAT says kanaroo。he old and his fur is reat he can''''t see very well。idea s kanaroo says one thatt I''''not really one that I''''the spirit by。you are very nice s kanaroo。this ba is for you。it''''s a pouch it''''s de of fur。ju in Joey。Joe loves the pouch he eats in it and he sleeps in it。thank you by says kanaroo。you‘re welco。now kanaroos have a pouch and their babies are always OK,好,其发生什么反转了?你告诉我什么反转?袋熊不是树丹,他是人。是不是人,你看你说是神,对他是神,叫spirit叫,叫他是一个spirit spirit在英文中可以代表精神,也可以代表什么,就用上帝的意思啊,spirit。beer。这神的名字叫做by by k,对,然后呢,他说,哎呀,你看我饿了,你要带着我,对不对?然后小宝宝放在一边儿睡觉,你逃难的时候呢,你也不能带小宝,小宝还在睡觉,OK,那他就帮他吃饭,又帮他喝水,最后呢,哦,发现他不是I''''not real a world that,我可不是一只。叫,然后呢,他赐予他一个袋子,this ba is for you,然后带上去以后呢,他的他这个Joy,这个baby就可以每天在里面是吧,啊,在里面睡觉,在里面吃饭都可以在这个袋子里面,因为师大兄白天睡很多觉,对不对?所以呢,从此之后呢,the kanaroo。a kanaroo,袋鼠,我们就会有一个pouch对吧?但这个传说,但也我们也可以相信,哎,为什么会有个代理,因为他们很善良,帮助了别人,别人赐予他了一个礼物,对吧?嗯,好,接下来是这样,我要开始从这边儿我开始读了,我们听一句读一句,好吧,要争取模仿,比如你要做演讲,你要去模仿他们声音啊。old Mr wba。no I care Miss is one bed says kanaroo co with 。stay can rooco with 里。this water is delicious。delicious delicious thank you s kanaroo。thank you Miss you are very nice says one that。you are fair one no where''''s Joey。where啊?there he is he''''s sleepin。he is he''''s sleepin kanaroos sleep a lot in the dayti。the sleep alone in the dayti。oh no it’s a hunter。it''

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